Friday, June 22, 2012

Shape and Pattern...


                                       Pattern - repetition of an element or elements in a work.
                                                             Shape - an element of art.

2 Dimensional, Narrative/ Theme and Texture...

2 Dimensional - flat, having width and length but not depth.
Narrative/Theme - series of events and main subject.

Texture - the way a 3 dimensional work feels when touched or the visual.

Mass, Space, Positive/Negative space...

                            Mass - outside size or shape of an object, or how big it appears to be.
                         Space - distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece.

         Posotive/Negative space - object filled in and object not filled in.

Foreground, Background and Perspective, 3 dimensional...

Foreground/ Background - objects in the front and objects in the back.

3 Dimensional - having or appearing to look real.
Perspective - point of view. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Symmetry/Asymmetry and Groupings...

 Groupings- two or more figures or objects forming a design or unit in a design.
Symmetry- mirror images or the same.
Asymmetry- not the same or are not mirror images.

Line and Field...

Field- different structures in a design or pattern.
Line- an indefinite series of points.

Rhythm and Repetition...

Rhythm- repeated pattern.

Repetition- an endless pattern.